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GLS is there every step of the way. Our team has over 30 years of experience and a wealth of knowledge in the USDA loan approval process. As your trusted advisor we will train your loan officers in the USDA product. We will also assist your organization in marketing the product. We will be there to answer every question and meet with your customer as requested. We will also communicate with USDA on your behalf. With our years of experience we have an excellent reputation with both the USDA state and national personnel.

We will be there to offer best case practice advice and answer any questions from you or your customer. We will make it happen!

Greg O'Donnel, Partner
12020 South Braden Ave.
Tulsa, Oklahoma 74521
Phone: 1-918-369-8516 Ext. 1
Email: grego@glsusda.com

Patrick W. Kenney, Partner
6 Penfield Drive
Kennebunk, Maine 04043-7363
Phone: 1-860-803-7598
Email: pat@glsusda.com
Book offer

Book Offer

See how to get Greg O'Donnell's book "The Best-Kept Secret to Improved Bank Profits".

Click here to view our testimonial
White Paper

Learn More

Contact us for a copy of our white paper about "The Best Kept Secret to Improved Bank Profits".